Calculating OptixFIG Range

This video explains technique for calculating OptixFIG Range.


Some PLOT sprint analytics for AQU inner track which starts Wednesday

Congratulations OptixEQ user Garrett Skiba on your BIG WIN in Gulfstream Park Conquer the Crown Handicapping Contest








Get ready for the GP winter meet – OptixPLOT track profile information can help

OtixPLOT Track Profile information for Gulfstream Park

gp-plot-track-profile  (PDF version)


gp-plot-track-profile-001 gp-plot-track-profile-002 gp-plot-track-profile-003 gp-plot-track-profile-004

Incorporating OptixEQ into your handicapping process – Examples Upgrading/Downgrading contenders using OptixPLOT

Here are some examples of how you can use OptixPLOT to upgrade/downgrade potential candidates  optixplot-upgrades-and-downgrades