OptixPLOT Track Profile Analysis DMR and SAR (2014-2016)

Track Profile Analysis points to the potential uniqueness of each racing surface at both DMR and SAR. It determines which OptixPLOT run styles are being favored.

Please remember that Track Profile Analysis is only one part of pace analysis. Each race will have its own unique pace dynamic that should be interpreted in the context of the track profile.


OptixANALYST SPOT PLAYS – excellent learning tool

OptixANALYST SPOT PLAYS is NOT a tip sheet. It is NOT sold. On weekends, and from time to time, SPOT PLAYS is provided free to OptixEQ subscribers ONLY. It is intended as a guide for interpreting and applying OptixEQ products to your own handicapping process.

Spot Plays Sample


2017 Kentucky Oaks OptixNOTES

2017 Kentucky Derby OptixNOTES

Kentucky Derby / OptixPLOT analysis (2008-2016)

Check out past Kentucky Derby OptixPLOT Results/Analysis (2008-2016) . Thanks to brisnet.com  for providing us the archive data.